May be you need some good hints on this, so two for the price of one: some listening practice and some good clues on writing. Enjoy yourselves!
In this lesson, I give you a simple method for writing a good, effective essay in English. If you don't know where to start when you are given a writing assignment, start here and learn how to do it right!
Watch an introduction to writing a movie script in this free screen play instruction video from our motion picture expert and experienced executive producer.Expert: Ron BecksBio: Ron Becks has been acting since he was a child. His feature film "1st Testament--CIA Vengance" (2001) and his documentary "Haitian Slave Children-- Forgotten Angels (2002)" have won film awards.Filmmaker: Nili Nathan
25 maps that explain the English language
Libby Nelson offers us a great work about the origin and the evolution of
the English language from the Vikings to the 21st century explained in 25
10 years ago
Hi Lucía,
ReplyDeleteThese videos are fantastic. I like the first one more than the second and third and I am very happy because although I don't understand the whole of the text, I have understood most of it. Also this boy speak with a good accent and that help me a lot. The first link you have put is very good because there are a a great deals videos from different teachers and different topics.
Thank you,
Cristina González
I'm glad you can really make the most of them!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Cristina, the three videos are great and it is quite simple to understand them.
It really cheers you up!
About the link, I think it's brilliant!
I've been watching the one about "How to listen and understand", and it is very helpful, not only to study English but whatever language you want, because he talks about general steps to reach a good understanding; and about English, he has a very good accent and he teaches in a very funny way.
It has encouraged me a lot.
It's nice to see nobody complains!! ;-)
ReplyDeleteEverything about teaching is useful, but it's different when you put it on practice; you get on blank.
I totally agree with Cristina. When I did some test at the Language School, no matter how I have worked preparing the test, I always forget that.