PAN UK is an independent, non-profit organisation. We work nationally and internationally with like-minded groups and individuals concerned with health and the environment.
We promote healthy food, sustainable agriculture and an environment which will provide food and meet public health needs without dependence on toxic chemicals and without harm to food producers and agricultural workers.
PAN UK believes it is possible to eliminate the use of hazardous pesticides, to reduce dependence on pesticides and to increase the sustainable alternatives to chemical pest control in agriculture, urban areas, public health and homes and gardens.
PAN UK makes a difference We have
Achieved a ban on lindane, a hazardous pesticide once used in agriculture and homes
Persuaded the government to commission an independent investigation into health impacts in rural areas
Established the Africa Stockpiles Programme to remove 50,000 tonnes of dangerous obsolete pesticides from Africa.
Increased the use of organic cotton in UK textiles and clothing while helping to prevent deaths from poisonous cotton pesticides in developing countries.
Strengthened the international commitment to deal with pesticide hazards.
Increased availability of disposal facilities for household pesticides in the UK
Stockpiles of Pesticides in AfricaWhat we do
We publish unique and independent information on pesticides for governments and decision makers, researchers, media, concerned citizens and other interested groups
We undertake and target appropriate research to promote better understanding of the cause and effect of pesticide problems.
We promote effective and progressive policies to eliminate pesticide hazards, representing concerns of users, consumers and exposed communities nationally and internationally.
We support projects with partners in developing countries to demonstrate the efficacy of organic production as a means of providing farmers with economically viable, socially acceptable and environmentally sound livelihoods.
What are pesticides? How and why do pesticides end up in our food? What are supermarkets doing about this?
Who should pay to solve these problems?How do I know what pesticides my food contains?What about the effects on farmers and farm workers?Why should I be concerned? How can we avoid pesticides ending up in our food? Are pesticides in food and farming the only problem?
Who should pay to solve these problems?How do I know what pesticides my food contains?What about the effects on farmers and farm workers?Why should I be concerned? How can we avoid pesticides ending up in our food? Are pesticides in food and farming the only problem?
Do we have something line PAN in Spain?
Do you think this is useful for consumers, for citizens in general?
Do you consider you are really aware, well informed about this issues?
How do you feel about this new unit's topic?
The thing is if this is true, what should I do and how? Where do I get help from as a consumer? Why is this taken place and nobody does anything about it?
ReplyDeleteThe whole business of quality control started off in Northern European countries but seems to be gradually moving down into Southern Europe. I think an interesting parallel is the lack of control which successive Spanish governments have shown in taking care of Spanish coastlines, just as in the same way there has been little regard for the use of pesticides in foods (in all of world, I should add). It´s only recently that the government here has begun to take an interest in environmental issues such as the illegal hotels on the coasts and in the same way it appears to be taking the health agenda in terms of what we eat with a little bit more interest. Whether that transfers into a rigid control of pesticides within the food chain has yet to be seen....
ReplyDeleteIf this is true, i'm afraid of we don´t know what is exactly we are eating and how it can affect to our health.But, in the other hand, i suppose the use of pesticides goes being done for many years and it might be that they aren´t harmful enough for the humans.
ReplyDeleteI think we will never know what is the truth of this.
It is very much true, we just take care of things like this when it is almost too late and we are never too sure whether they are a new business or something really good for us.
ReplyDeleteAnd someone told me the other day: "I wonder how people did in the old times, with no pesticides at all, as agriculture has been here for centuries and crops fed us..."
Any suggestions?
We are what we eat. I always eat healthy food because I know that suits me well and because I can´t have other thing that isn´t conecting to a good diet.First of all, I can´t have any fat because fats make me get weight and then I find it difficult to loose weight. It is a problem as I like eating all what is tasted and just that is what makes me get overweight.