We all know about Valentine's day:
it's all about love, roses, chocolates, presents, be my valentine, "Roses are red.Violets are blue.Sugar is sweet.And so are you. "
Or not?
Have a look at our links and you will feel an irresistible feeling: writing , writing!
1. Valentines collector??? Nancy Rosin is one of them. Watch:
2. Know it all about the History of St. Valentine's day. Watch:
3. Cupid: a 3.000 year-old baby with wings. Watch
4. Love Letters From The President. Read:
5.Movie Guide Celebrating a quiet Valentine's Day at home? History.com brings you 15 of the best romances of all time. Read:
More? Go to: http://www.history.com/content/valentine
*****and a very special one: aren't they sweet?????:
Did you enjoy a happy Valentine's?
ReplyDeleteDo you celebrate it only with your husband7 wife?
Anybody called Valentine, Valentin, Valentina, Tinín, Tina? Do you celebrate your "saint day"?
Nice, special ,curious gifts? Anecdotes?
Cards? Flowers?
Remember in England they have many different cards for eveythig you need a card for.
These days, I am not feeling very romantic. I've been married for almost 8 years, and I don't know, but I guess rutine, time, problems, are taking over us.
ReplyDeleteBesides my impression, is that in Galicia, celebrating St Valentine's Day is not that important. Could someone tell me if I'm right?
It used to be one of my favourite days, with my friends we used to exchange gifts and chocolates. It was very nice.
I've been married for more than eleven years and my husband and I have never celebrated this day. I don't feel special interest in it and on the other hand my husband thinks that this day is only a commercial business. We never give each other a present that day however, he give me a present from time to time without a reason.
ReplyDeleteCristina González Angós
Warenka, your impressions are the same as most of us, we all are under routine, overwork, crisis, these are hard times.
ReplyDeleteWarenka asks a very interesting question for us to debate; Is Valentine's day really popular in Galicia? Is it just a big store event?
Please, give your opinion...
There is anothe rimportant comment Warenka makes: It used to be one of my favourite days, with my friends we used to exchange gifts and chocolates. It was very nice.
ReplyDeleteI was longing for someone to say something like this!!-thanks Walenka!!-
Here, in Spain I reckon we all tend to see this date as "el día de los enamorados" but in other places people make a gift to a best friend, relative, to someone you really appreciate but is not your boy/girl friend.
Any body there to write about this???
What about el día del santo still celebrated in some places in Spain? Are there any Valentín, Valentina, over there? Any relatives with that name?
Cristina is right, some people say this is just a day for big stores, shopping centers and malls.
ReplyDeleteMany couples are not happy on this day -the day!!- because one of them has forgotten about the present or the day!! :-(
Is it necessary to have a day to show love?
How can we say this in everyday life and never need Valentine's day?
Can we have the two of them?
Post a comment...
I think that live is very short and we have to take advantage of every day, we cannot leave for tomorrow what we can do today and we have to life as whether this day is the last one. If today was the last day for me, I would like that my husband, my children and all people that I want knew that I love them is that the reason why I think that every day should be Valentine's day. With this I don't mean that the Valentine's day shouldn't exist but I think is worth remembering this day often.
ReplyDeletehi Lucía, I wrote the previous post and I forgot sign it. I don't know how to do to appear my name instead anonymous.
ReplyDeleteCristina González Angós
Hi Cristina,
ReplyDeleteIf you don't want to appear as anonymous, try to log in with any of the ID suggested by blogger. If you have gmail account, you can use it. You could aldo open a new one.
Kind Regards,
María Jordano
Thanks María,
ReplyDeleteI have already found the way to do it.
I have never celebrated Valentine`s day. To me its more a day to big stores, it seems as if everybody had to be in love and show it to the rest of the world.
If we did a survey I think most of us would say so!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the opinion of the commercial push of the date , I¨ve never celebrated and don´t know many people who does, but i supposse it is a happy day for many. Congratulations for the blog
ReplyDeleteThank you Javier, and thanks for your comment!
ReplyDeleteProbably big stores are the ones interested in our celebrating this day! ;-)
My husband and I used to celebrate Valentine's day before we got married. Since then we prefer to celebrate our wedding aniversary instead. I agree with the comments that it is a commercial day, but not necessarily we have to give expensive gifts.
ReplyDeleteThank you Maria Isabel for your comment. Anybody else?
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I had decided not celebrate Valentine's day, we decided demonstrate our love every day, of course we have difficult days and sometimes we're tired or angry or something, but at the end of the day always we have a kiss for each other
ReplyDeleteWow, this is great Sandra, really. And I think that this is the best thing a couple can try to do, one day after another and even if the routine is many times overshadowing everything, and especially the "why" are people together.
ReplyDeleteAs Cristina and Paloma commented, I also think that Valentine's Day is mainly - nowadays at least- a commercial date, a day to fancy, to spend money (even if not necessarily a lot). It has lost a certain "spontaneity" and I wonder how far it may even generate quite a lot of frustrations if the people aren't clear about what the 14th of February may or may not represent for them.
Then as for Warenka, I am also living in Galicia but I am not originally from that region. Therefore I don't know if people usually celebrate 14th of February or not, although I have the impression they don't (or not more than in other places). In Belgium (where I am from) people seem not to celebrate Valentine's day in particular. However, I have to use "seem" because although I know that most of the people I know don't, when - long time ago - I was working in restaurants and bars during the week-end to get some additional pocket money, I remember how crowded those places were that very famous day ;-) So? Myth or reality? Or just a good balance of "we do - we don't"?
Greetings to all.
Lucky Sandra!!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteAbout Gisele's comment, there are some countries prone to celebrate this day (I reckon due to big stores pushing and pushing people to spend and buy) such as the English speaking ones and some do not celebrate it that festive way.
I agree with the general opinion: Valentine’s Day is more a commercial hype than a meaningful day.
ReplyDeleteThis post makes me remember when I’m in high school; we offered a sort of Valentine’s service to save money for our end of year trip. We sent red roses or carnations among students and teachers, even anonymously if they wanted it. The procedure was simple: the “clients” told us to whom they wanted to present a flower (or a bouquet), and they could add a closed envelope with a personal note in. Then we bought fresh roses to a florist’s, removed the leaves and thorns and made bouquets with red ribbons. Finally, we delivered them throughout the classrooms. Flowers are sent to not only girlfriends or popular people, but also friends and nice teachers!
Have someone a similar tradition in their secondary school?
Laura Viejo Fdez
I agree with the general opinion: Valentine’s Day is more a commercial hype than a meaningful day.
ReplyDeleteThis post makes me remember when I’m in high school; we offered a sort of Valentine’s service to save money for our end of year trip. We sent red roses or carnations among students and teachers, even anonymously if they wanted it. The procedure was simple: the “clients” told us to whom they wanted to present a flower (or a bouquet), and they could add a closed envelope with a personal note in. Then we bought fresh roses to a florist’s, removed the leaves and thorns and made bouquets with red ribbons. Finally, we delivered them throughout the classrooms. Flowers are sent to not only girlfriends or popular people, but also friends and nice teachers!
Have someone a similar tradition in their secondary school?
Laura Viejo Fdez
Hi Laura,
ReplyDeleteYour question is what I meant in our first commments: we all tend to associate Valentine's and love, couples, but in many places you can show your loved ones (parents, close friends, a nice person we know, etc)
so any answers for Laura?
I feel surprised: there is no Valentín or Valentina between our bloggers or their relatives and friends but there are several around me. Is it may be not a popular name nowadays?
When is Valentine´s day?
ReplyDeleteWas it yesterday?
Was it last Saturday?
Could it be tomorrow?
Do you know what i mean??
If you are in love, why must you celebrate a " love´s commercial day"??
That´s exactly what i think. Valentine´s day, it´s a mall invent.
I´m sorry, i´m leaving to have a "lovely dinner" with my wife.
Last Valentine's day was a little weird, but it was fun...
ReplyDeleteI was in New York because I had to take the exams in the Inistituto Cervantes. It was Sunday and I was already done taking all the exams, so I walked around... i found the Nokia store and went in because I love Nokia. I didn't buy anything because everything was too expensive for me, but I enjoyed it a lot. In Times square there was a heart made out of ice... and also in another random place there was a big statue of Hello Kitty... After that I continued walking without a purpose and it was already lunch time, sp I went to a self service restaurant and ate a little bit. That Sunday Atlético de Madrid played against Barça, so I was listening to it on my phone while I was eating. Atleti is my team and I always listen to the games or watch it on tv. When Atleti scored a goal I decided to go to a bar and watch the rest of the game.
It was a very exciting and nervous game, but at the end we won! That was a very nice Valentine's present!
After the bar I went to the airport because I had to go back to Detroit. I arrived on time, but thje pilots didn't... we were all waiting and the loudspeaker lady said that the pilots and air hostesses for our plane were missing and they couldn't find them. They were not on strike or anything like that, they were just missing, they were trying to call them to see where they were, but they were not picking up their phones. We waited for hours and finally the loudspeaker said that a pilot that was coming from Kansas would take our plane and take us to Detroit.
I still don't know what happened to the missing pilots and airhostesses... maybe they were having a special valentine's love party together, or maybe they were very happy because Atleti won and they were drunk in a bar or something.
I was trying to put photos of Hello Kitty, the ice heart and more things, but I don't know how to do it... sorry :(
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteyou are right, many of our "writers" have already agreed with you. THNAKS for joining us.
Hi Vicente,
Thanks for telling us about your Valentine's day, this may be another way of spending it! it has not to be roses, chocolate and dates all the time. I had a good time reading the end of the story as well!
You are right, you can write comments but I think you can not upload pics, sorry.
The fact is that I've never celebrated Valentine's day. I think that is more a commercial way of selling gifts than anything else. I prefer most just a little thing in any other date, because of course you don't expect to receive anything at all, than just receive a gift because of Valentine's day. Love has to be shown every single day, not just when society wants to.
ReplyDeleteMany points of view!! Great!
ReplyDeleteIn Romania we have our own Valentine.It`s called Dragobete.
Dragobetele is the son of Baba Dochia. The party is the equivalent Dragobete Romanian Valentine's Day, And is celebrated Romania in February 24 each year.
Entity mythological similar to Eros or Cupid held in the days when "the birds also fall in love," the Dragobete differs from the tenderness of San Valentin Catholic because it is a handsome and impetuous, but is the protector of those found for the first time in his day, and love all year round. According to some beliefs, who participated in this event was protected from all diseases of the year, particularly fever, and also contributed to household welfare. Dressed in festive costumes, youth and young women were cited in front of the church and left for forests and plains, to get spring flowers. In the south of Romania (Mehedinţi), the girls ran back to town, followed by the boys who had fallen in love with them. If the kid was fast enough to reach the girl loved, and he liked her too, were kissing in front of everyone. That kiss meant the commitment of the two by a year or more, since Dragobetele was a chance for the community to learn of the following wedding.
Elderly people cared for on that day of all birds, but also of the birds of the sky. On that day no animal was sacrificed, because that would have ruined the purpose of "love." Married women used to touch a man from another village, to be affectionate with her husband throughout the year. The ladies picked up the last traces of snow, Called Zapada Zanelor ("The fairies snow"), and the water of that snow was used throughout the year for beautification and formulas of magic love.
Valentina Ionescu
ReplyDeleteLast Monday(Valentine's Day), I went my Centro asociado to do an exam while I was listening to the radio. They were just taking a program that talked about this special day and a lot of people who called the program said that they didn't believe in that day.
In my opinion, this day is less important in Spain than in England or the United States because in these countries everybody send letters or gifts. In Spain I often hear people say that this event was created by 'Corte Inglés'.
From my point of view, I like English or American tradition on Valentine's Day, but I don't usually gifts or send letters.
The only year that I send a letter was four years ago when the sister of a good friend had just died on this day. I sent a letter making him knowing all the support that he had and that this day could read it every time that he wanted if he felt lonely or sad.
Although this day is a special day and a hopeful day I think that love is everyday in your live and not only a day of the year. Is very beautiful have a detail with your partner, husband or friend or whatever, but in my opinion this not an excuse to show love in a day.