25 maps that explain the English language
Libby Nelson offers us a great work about the origin and the evolution of
the English language from the Vikings to the 21st century explained in 25
10 years ago
hello everyone,
ReplyDeletei've just taken a look at this blog and would like to congratulate whoever designed it. I'm sure it'll provide a most agreeable space to share our thoughts and improve our capacities.
Irene Espósito
Thanks Irene!
ReplyDeleteI hope it helps to those of you who want to practice their English in an autonomous way. The main aim is encourage you to write and be more fluent in your own language competence. All the posts by now have been written by our TAR Lucía Borreguero (Coruña's tutor) but you will see more and more hands taking part in this activity. All of you are invited to collaborate using the comments option.
Have a look also to the links and virtual material suggested on the right. Try to subscribe yourself so that you could be alerted every time we post anything new.
have a good course!
María Jordano
Hello, just to practice a bit my english I would like to tell you that London is my favourite city and I like much more than NYC although this one is quite interesting as well. I never get bored getting there and this month I have been twice. This permit me to practice my english spoken. Museums are most of them free and with a very interesting art pieces and I like very much the theatre offer.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, have a nice day :-)
Paloma Blanco
Hello, I find this opportunity great to practice my poor english.I try to improve my english every day, but it is clair that whith some weeks or month´s living in a English spoken country will be a great chance to learnig most quickly.Sorry for my english, and I hope next time would be better. Best.
DeleteWelcome Paloma!
ReplyDeletePlease, visit other labels in our blog and add your comments.
Have you seen our post on Valentine's day? The last link ("aren´t they sweet?")is my favourite one!
Hope to "read" you around!!
I'm George. This blog is a fantastic idea. I'm sure this blog help us very much.
ReplyDeleteHello George! Welcome! We hope you visit us often AND write a lot!!!
ReplyDeleteBy the way...there are other interesting posts in these blog, please come in and have a look!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Mrs.Borreguero, can you confirm me if you have received my e-oral exam? Just kidding!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, this blog is a great idea. It's a very good way to allow us to know each other a little bit more in a more relaxed environement.
Hello! I'm Maria and I've spent the last hour browsing through the links I've found in here. Very interesting materials indeed.
ReplyDeleteSo thanks a lot for sharing them.
Just before finishing I have to apologise for not having a profile, and I hope to have it sorted out for next time.
Kind regards,
Don't worry María.
ReplyDeletePalomoma, remember, names of cities always in capital letters.. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/592/1/
I am glad this blog couls allow you to practice your spoken English as well.
have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteFirst at all I would like to suggest a topic: to write down about traveling experience.
In the other hand , what about our mistakes?
May we be confident of parnets´ knowledge?
Hi Luis Antonio,
ReplyDeleteAll the topics will be suggesting depending on the the unit we will be dealing in each period of the course. If you are interested on writing and practising your travelling vocabulary I could invited you to have a look and collaborate in this blog (Inglés para turismo):
http://inglesturismo0607.blogspot.com/, which I have been conducting (with the help of other tutors) for my students of Tourism Studies.
Don't worry about your mistakes. If we see there are very important ones, we will let you know. We prefer to make you more confident and fluent.
The problem I have with my English spoken is sometimes I get nervous I begin to think: I am not going to understand him/her so if there is a word or an expression or even a phrasal verb I dont understand it, I get like blocked and get lost the meaning of the whole sentence. Sometimes I make up words and when I see the face of the people who I am speaking with I realise I have said something which is not right. Very recently I had to ask where could I take the train and I asked: excuse me, where do I pick up the train? so the employee pulling my leg, said: well, I am afraid it is a bit heavy..I realise that I have said something wrong but I cant avoid it in the moment. I am afraid I have a lot to learn...
ReplyDeleteNice day :-)
Ow and I like very much this blog much more than the forums
Paloma Blanco
Quite interesting!! I have watched Valentine's videos as suggested, funny and curious at a time. Hope I can dedicate more time to watch these videos. It will help our fluently for sure!!!
ReplyDeleteHow dare you!!!!! :-DD
I have really had a good laugh, thank you so much! and I really needed it today after so much work!
A language is communication, just talk and write, communicate, and yes, they may smile at you here and there but take it like this: would that man be able to- at least- make the same mistake you did IN SPANISH??????
Your effort is good enough, feel free to speak AND PRACTICE. You ARE learning.
Here is my challenge to you: I'll write a post just for you but you will write at least some lines in every post I open, okay?
By the end of the academic course you will have improved a little bit more...OR A BIG LOT!!!
Now go and see YOUR post!!!!!!
By the way...there are other posts where you can also write your comments: come on, come in, enjoy and learn.
ReplyDeleteHi Paloma,
ReplyDeleteDON'T THINK when trying to speak in the L". Just SPEAK, or WRITE. If you are thinking all the time if you are going to do good or bad you won't be able to produce everything. Just produce. With practice, you'll realize if you are doing good or bad. If you commit a mistake, there is lisguistic theory that sais that you have some kind of monitor inside that will prevent you to do it again in the future...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monitor_hypothesis
OK thank you both and of course I accept the challenge. Thank you very much for the post,its a sort of gift. I will try to do my best.
ReplyDeletePaloma B
I would like to tell you a communication problem when I first went to England. I broke my wirst while I was riding a bike and I was taken to the village doctor surgery. When the
ReplyDeletedoctor asked me what had happened to me,I said I had a pain in my doll. The doctor couldn´t understand me so I pointed out to my wrist and he said I needed to have an X-Ray. Thank God,the language of sign works in every language.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi, Elena
ReplyDeleteYour story reminds me the joke about the guy that goes to an English Language School:
-¿Es esta la academia de inglés que cobra sólo 1 euro por clase?-
-If, if. Between, between.
Well, it seems we are getting stuck in this page: PLEASE keep on moving to the other pages of the blog and post your comments there, okay?
ReplyDeleteYou are very brave taking part in the blog, thanks again.
Your joke is very old...but funny!! :-)
I liked a lot your anecdote!!
I will tell you one communication problem anecdote in my family but you will have to go to my post on communication problems...
Woww! I like this blog. A very good idea! Congratulations to the ED. I think we are going to enjoy our studies in the best way.
After two days in the hospital with my son, I have had time to read this blog. I am enjoying a lot with your stories, the Diego's jokes and the good spirits that our fantasctic ED give us.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot.
Cristina González Angós
¡What a good idea!
ReplyDeleteI am sure this blog will be very useful for all of us, It´s so interesting...
ReplyDeleteThis is my view of English language
English like Spanish, German, Portuguese are just tools to communicate to each other, and those tools has parts like words, sentences and clauses that are like the gears and bolts of your tool, once you have a good repertoire of them then the end result of the language will return to you the better results.
I know most of the people who write in this blog are glad to travel abroad, for me it is just like everyday work.
I travel all weeks for my everyday work, live almost in hotels and amounting flying miles like mosquitoes gathering around a fire camp in a summer night, well... it is a good subject but personally I prefer the richness of discovering the true internal self that everybody carries with them in a friendly frankly chat, unfortunately that private world is always kept secret by a disguise mask and only in true friendhip one can enjoy of it.
Nice to chat with you buds.
Ah!, almost forget, thank you Lucía B. for your answer in the "Foro".
Best regards
I'm glad to see you are all happy with this tool, practicing and telling us about your experiences with English!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Grace (always happy with new challenges), Cristina (I do hope your child is okay now)and anonymous for your contributions.
Please go into other posts and write more if you want!
Hello everybody.
ReplyDeleteI understand the Anonymous who said that he (or she) is tired of travelling because that's his/her job. I agree with him/her (please, tell us who you are as to allow us to use just one pronoun!) that the authentic communication can only exist in true frienship. I've met some travellers who don't realize that what they are doing is but accumulating place names just to boast, and that their experiences are plainly vacuous since they only take a superficial glimpse over places and people with their own complexity, not always pleasant as they too often think.
This is just a commentary about some kind of people. I hope most of you don't fit my description.
I'm glad this blog does exist.
Hello folks, and above all apologize for my english, I have not yet a apoken level that allows me to support a fluid conversation, I, m agree whith both Victor and Adolfo about how travell is it, In my opinion people who travell for one day or some hours in a country or city can´t see anything fhurther their´s cameras.Finally , I hope my english has been more or less understanding.
DeleteHi Victor.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous is Adolfo, I agree on that most human experiences only scratch the surface of the everyday communication with others, but this is the modern life bequeath, the science and technological world in which the only important thing is the outer space without realizing that also an inner world exist within us, most of the people, including myshelf sometimes, are looking at the universe from inside-out without realizing that there is also a way of looking there that it is from outside-in.
We leave in a world of man-the-robot, the one that only believe in what their senses could see, touch, taste and smell, only using the five sensors they have to acquire what's happening around them in the outside, but this is like staying at the front of a door communicating two rooms and only looking forward towards the front expanse without realizing that there exist other space on the back, and by just turning around 180 degrees is the only way of looking at the wonders that lie behind them.
It is the same for the inner space, there are more beauty in the inner world of everyone of us than in the most beautiful country in the world, just to be discovered.
Thanks Vístor and Adolfo for your long and interesting comments, you both are right in what you say.
ReplyDeleteAs this "page" is like the beginning of this blog, let's say, the main page, I was wondering if you, students, would like to suggest new posts or topics so that the blog is really made for and -why not- by you!
We have some new ones ready to be out of the oven soon but if there are any suggestions to be made, they will be welcome!
Sorry Víctor! it seems I can't write your name properly today!!
ReplyDeleteI would like we spoke about art,now that we have had several art fairs in Madrid such as Arco, Madriart and we have so many and different art museums. I wonder to be exactly what does art mean and if we may consider art some of the stuff we see in these fairs, on tv or in certain museums. Where is the limit to consider it artistic or rubbish.
Hy Paloma, in my oppinion the word "Art" is a great word,and what is art or not is a very interesting subject whith many points of view.After have reading Roland Barthes trial,"The Death of the Author" I Have a new point of view about art is it.For the moment my englis don´t allow me to engage an subeject so interesting.I would say that now I make the difference between "Art" and "Artist".I hope in spite of my english I woul be understanding.See you.
DeleteThis is a great idea! Blogging is future!!! (H)
ReplyDeleteHello, I'm trying to see how this blog works.
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting way to practise our English.
Hello,once again.
Great Rosa!
ReplyDeleteIf you have any doubt, please, tell us.
Kind regards,
María Jordano
ReplyDeleteAs the romantic comedy's tittle, you've got an e-mail... I answered to yours!! :-)
BUT you did not have to ask me, you´ve already done it great!
Hello!I saw and read the message. Thank you very much!
Really I love this blog!!! I enjoy each link in this lovely site. Congratulations!!!.
I'm just trying to get familiarized with the blog, because I don't know exactly how to manage with it...
ReplyDeleteLucía Sanz
Welcome Lucía,
ReplyDeleteJust read and write your comments!!
Give a try!!
I had really a nice time reading all your posts guys, you're a laugh!!!
ReplyDeleteHere you go a good one:
On day the phylosophy professor at University is making an oral exam and asks a student:
"Sir, Can you tell me what's the difference between ignorance and indiference?"
The student, totally uninterested in the question, shrugged his shoulders and muttered "I don't know, and I don't care"
The professor gave him and A+
:-DDD, very funny, Patricia, thanks!!
ReplyDeleteMy name is Mirian. I'm excited! This is my first experience on a blog and I think that it is great!!
Hello everybody!
ReplyDeleteIt´s the first time I share my experiences in a blog and I´m a bit lost.
I hope this tool is useful for improving our English.
Best wishes!
Isabel Selfa
Welcome Isabel and Miriam! You are already here so feel free to write, choose a topic or suggest us one!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Isabel. You will learn by doing ;)
ReplyDeleteAnothe example of (by doing).
ReplyDeleteHello everybody!
I agree with you all: this is a nice way to improve our English level.
I promise to think how can we do something really interesting with this tool, in order to have fun and learn a lot.
At first I think that we can create some files or contents about subjects such as "travelling" or "reading". Most of us use both in order to improve our language skills so it can be very interesting to share our knowledge about lovely readings or places to visit while you are in a English-speaking country.
Travels or readings are only two subjects that I propose, but there are much more like movies, English cook...
In conclusion my suggest is to do some posts with our ideas about readings and travelling in a special file.
I am sure that we are going to do something great with this blog. Our blog!.
Have fun this weekend and enjoy youselves!
Gonzalo Salto
Hello Gonzalo, I find your idea very interesting, even I never travelling in a english spoken country I was travell a few on some european countries,like France, Itali or Czech Republic, my english us far to be good, but whith the help of tools like this blog I´m sure I´ll learn most quickly.About readings, the subject is more extensive and passionate, each one can talk about a book that he like and why I don´t know.Sorry again for my english which I promise to myself improve in next days.Bye.
DeleteHello Gonzalo,
ReplyDeleteI enjoy seeing our students in good spirits, like you, suggesting topics and eager to learn.
ReplyDeleteI don´t know to say so I will speak about "funny tv sitcoms"
I saw this part of the blog and I like the picture about Papa Noel!!! It is rather funny!!!
I love this kind of humor!
Gonzalo I think that you idea is so cool!
Mirian G.S
Hi everybody!! This blog is useful for me. Thaks for your posts.
Mari Llanos
Hello everyone.
ReplyDeleteI agree! A blog seems to be a amusing way for improve our skills in English. That's my first time joining something like this but it seems very useful.
Also I want to say that I'm glad to see how UNED take advantage of this huge tool that internet is. I mean on-line exams, e-oral exams,etc. And now also blogs.
Nice work.
Best regards,
Jorge Carreño
I am very glad to see you collaborating in this blog too, Jorge!
ReplyDeleteMaría Jordano
Thank you, María.
ReplyDeleteI have found your "torrijas" recipe. Mmm, I must try it.
Hello people, I think that I´m glad to this new tool because we can improve our skills such as reading, listening, written ineraction, etc.
ReplyDeleteVery encouraging comments...so I hope to read your too: choose one of our topics!
ReplyDelete"Yours", sorry
ReplyDeleteHi everyone,
ReplyDeleteNew student here. I hope to learn a lot while enjoying this blog
Welcome anonymous,
ReplyDeleteWrite your comments!!
Hello everyone,
ReplyDeleteI am glad to be part of this blog.Here is my first participation.
A patient in the doctor`s office.
-Doctor, what should I take when my feet hurt?
-The bus.
I hope you liked it!
Valentina Ionescu
Hello, Valentina, welcome. Good joke, thanks!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much L. Borreguero!
When I first came to Spain, I was so excited with my boyfriend`s job (he is a truck driver) so I decided to join him in his trips all over Europe.Once, we were in France loading potatoes in a private property.My boyfriend (now my husband) was preparing the truck and I was playing with the dog of the owner.My boyfriend called me.He had a very serious face and asked me: "Val, how do you say girlfriend in French?"
"Why?" I asked.The owner had asked him. "C`est ta fille?" ( Is your daughter?)
I`ll never forget the face of my poor man.He turned blue, violet,red....When we left the place he was really worried.The fact is that my husband is a strong man and the color of his hair is almost grey.But in that time he was 32 years old and I was 23...
And the other story is when I celebrated my birthday (7th of July) in 4 countries.We had breakfast in Germany, we passed through Netherlands, we had lunch in Belgium and we finished in our uncle`s house, in France.
For me, that was the best birthday I ever had!
Hugs and kisses
P.S. Valentina Ionescu
ReplyDeleteHi verybody!
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time in a blog and i had been more than 20 minutes trying to find the correct way to write on it. At least! I hope this paragraph could arrive to this page.
I really think that this may help us to improve our english and I would like to have more leisure to connect with other students but my job doesn´t let me do it.
This is my first time here but not the last one...
Sandra Peregrina
Thank you very much Sandra! I hope you learn a lot with it!
ReplyDeleteThis blog is fantastic. I´m glad to find people like you. I don´t have time for this things between my job, my son, and the studies but I happy for places like this. Hellow everybody
ReplyDeleteHello, I would like to know how to use the device you told us to used to record the description of the map about swine flu cases in America. I know that you tell us how to do it and told us to use a link you posted, I was listening to the oral description that a mate did, but I didn't know what to do there. Did I have had to record myself there? Did I have had to use that image? In that space? It may be that you explained that to us in the forum but I couldn't find it and I would like to know how to use that device just to try to use it from now on. I'm very interested not only in Knowing how the programme works but also in using it, but I can't use it if I don't know how to. Don't you mind telling me how to do it?
ReplyDeleteThanks a million in advance
Kind regards
Rosa Montaño
Hello everybody, I don't know how I can use exactly this blog. I have posted anytime in the blog units but, what can we do now?
ReplyDeleteHi Rosa,
ReplyDeleteJust read every single entry and try to do what it sais you to do ...
María Jordano
Ok María. So I will do it.
ReplyDeleteBest regards
I have just joint the blog, so I'm going to try to catch up.
Great! Welcome, Nieves!
ReplyDeleteHi everybody!
ReplyDeleteThe actual course is going to end. I promise to do the best use of my brain in order to use this tool for improve my English.
Now I am going to look for some post and give my opinion about it.
Good luck with your marks, classmates!!!!
Hello to everyone!
ReplyDeleteIt is the first time I write in a blog but I think that I will like this in particular.
Thank you.
Milagros Utiel
Hi everybody!!!
ReplyDeleteSaturday afternoon at home trying to put in order all of the UNED's stuff! Hopefully we can success this subject as it is not easy by the open university, we need a lot of discipline and so on...
I have no idea what else I can write, maybe I will have an idea later, lol
I wish you all a nice weekend!
Hi everybody I´m Laura and think this blog is a original idea, I hope learn a lot
Good morning....
ReplyDeleteThis is a test to see my name in the title instead of Anonymous.
Hi there!!! Thanks for the blog but let me make a critical comment on this subject, the second part of Inglés Instrumental.
ReplyDeleteThe first semester I bought the book Strands of language I and never used it, so I would like this blog to become the best reference for us to study...
What kind of exercises and notes will we find here?
Hi everyone!
ReplyDeleteI've just finished to read all comments of this blog and I think that it a great opportunity for everyone.
Hello! I think this blog is a very interesting idea. I can't wait to read new posts, I wonder what they will be about.
Hi, Marta, Luna, Javi, Laura! Welcome!
ReplyDeleteHi Javi,
ReplyDeleteYo will find in this blog plenty of texts and discussions dealing with all the topics of the contents, so that it will be very helpful for all of you. You will find in it entries from last year and this new academic year, so that it could be even richer and updated every year. This doesn't mean the text book woulnd't be necessary. Anyway, you are free to buy it or not.
Kind regards,
María Jordano
great blog!!! love it!!!!
ReplyDeletegreat idea!!
ReplyDeleteI´m lovin´it
Hi everybody,
ReplyDeleteI have just entered the blog and I must say I love it. Hope I can enter every week so I can follow your comments. I don´t want to say every day just in case I can´t do it.
Ioana Dragomirescu
Hi everybody,
ReplyDeleteIdon´t know if the tutorial classes has began yet. Could you say me it? Thanks. I-
Lucía, this is a great idea! Thank you in advance for all the effort and extra work you're doing for us. And of course, A Coruña rocks!
ReplyDeleteHi everybody,
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this tool for practising. Brilliant!
But after thinking about it, do you think that reed the learning people writting could confuse us?
Nice regards!!
Mª Carmen Selva
Hi Mª Carmen!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry! The more feedback you have to read the more you'll learn taking into account the exam. The only way to practice your writting is by writting. You could read plenty of good stuff by going through the entries.
Hello, today is my first time in our blog and this is my first post.
ReplyDeleteI would like to congratulate teacher and all of you, and tell you thanks!! because reading your post about topics and about yourself, I really learn a lot, and not only English but about different personal worlds.
You know?, I think I'm in love.
But, What is love? Love is life, said Tolstoy, and it is true to me.
Although life is not (or not only) sufferance, jeaolus, paranoid, and the things that so many times love is.
I would like to notice there is a link where you can find a proverb about love really important in my life:
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
So love always gives us something, isn't it?
I have talked a lot with my friends about love topic, I think nowadays is really difficult to do something that needs a lot of patience, a lot of time...after all, we are in a wild world, in wich everything is challenged so fast... what a formidable chance we need to have time and courage to love!
See you,
Lovely comment, Cristina!
ReplyDeleteMaría Jordano
Hi everyone,
ReplyDeleteThis is the first time that I write something here.
Yesterday was my birthday. Nobody gave me a present, but my little sister and her husband helped me, to do somethings in my house. I think this was a very beautiful present and usefull. Spend time whith she and he was the best present that I can never have. I know that they can't read this, but I need tell it and share this whith everyone: that the best thing in the live is have a good family and be happy whith them.
Ah, the good old days, how I miss you! I’m going through the valley of tears of Inglés Instrumental III and IV, forgetting whatever current English I knew in order to embrace Cromwell’s style. This bicephalous ED’s fusty Ikea-like pedagogics will see the end of me. And what to say about the textbook? An infamous panegyric of Ms Thatcher, Jesus Christ, the traditional family, with a Freudian penchant for stories in which little girls are humbled by males and unmercifully punished... Shame! Shame on you!
ReplyDeleteThe gloomiest side of it is that this Puritan Republic is here to stay; no chance of a change in the forthcoming years of the degree. Hard times those in which what you say is less important than the number of words in which you say it.
Hello everybody and thank you for the opportunity that people like me, beginners on Shakespeare tongue, have to practice and communicate in english, avove all because my english must need from that help.I hope at less my english is understable a minumum.Thank´s a lot.
ReplyDeleteYes, I like the blog's idea. I need practise. It is so difficult to me to writte in English.
ReplyDeleteWe are two "Anonymous" to have dificulties to write and finally understand a fluid english, but whith a constant work everything is possible, skills like this blog maybe a great chance for people who are the need of improve her english, myself for exemple.Good job to everybody.
ReplyDeleteI am agree with Ndoama I think with this blog we can improve our english.
ReplyDeleteHello everybody,
ReplyDeleteIt is a wonderful idea this blog, isnt't it?
I would ask to someone if there is a web or you have any information concerning to the way of contact to English/Irish/American people. I would like to keep in touch with someone to exchange any words and improve my English.
I would be very thankful if you can help me or you can give a clue of how I can do it.
Good luck with the exams!