


This is Zac Tobias and this is his blog: http://www.hablamejoringles.com/
He is a teacher in Madrid and, obviously, he teaches English there.

This is his BIO:
Me llamo Zac Tobias y soy un profesor y traductor norteamericano con más de 6 años de experiencia trabajando en Madrid. Esta página web es fruto de mis experiencias viviendo en España, enseñando inglés a hispanohablantes y reflexionando sobre las diferencias entre los dos idiomas y los problemas que suelen surgir.

You can read more about him if you visit his blog and make the most of his posts and the visitors' questions.

You can listen to some interesting points on pronunciation and even watch some videos and check how some Spanish celebrities speak English: Nadal, Barden, Pe and others. If they did it you can do it too!!




If you are looking for good blogs to practice your English, improve your pronunciation or just read some real English, this will be very helpful:


Monica is a bilingual teacher (her mum is English) and she keeps this blog to help students, as simple as that.
The blog includes :
Inicio Curso Gratuito Índice All Lessons ¿Quieres Colaborar? Artículos Ebpai-Clases de Inglés Contacta FAQ
Posts Destacados: Business English Pronunciación Trucos para aprender inglés Escribir en Inglés Do and Does El participio pasado Wh-questions Recursos 1 Recursos 2

Please, visit Monica's blog watch her videos



and write your coments.

What do you think of the blog, is it useful for your studying?
Why/why not?
Do you keep a blog? In English?